Links and handouts from "Right Where You Live"
workshops & presentations
BEAUTIFUL SLAVE: A music video produced by The Musicianaries-- a group of musicians who use the gifts God gave them
to create songs about various issues. Watch "Beautiful Slave" on YouTube.
to create songs about various issues. Watch "Beautiful Slave" on YouTube.
Covenant Eyes Internet accountability, filtering and monitoring. Protect yourself and your family from inappropriate sites.
The Effects of Pornography on the Male Brain From the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
EXPLOITED: Sex Trafficking, Porn Culture, and the Call to a Lifestyle of Justice Very informative booklet by Pure Hope Coalition
Fight the New Drug Provides individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts.
Getting Involved Learn ways to get involved as an individual or as a missions leader
Human Trafficking Power & Control Wheel From Polaris Project on how traffickers use "force, fraud & coercion" in controlling victims
Mission Mosaic Article "Violated" Magazine of the National WMU. September 2010 cover story on Sharon's trafficking awareness ministry
Playground: The Film A 4. minute clip from Libby Spears' haunting documentary on commercial sexual exploitation of children in America. Click the "Watch Trailer" button for the clip. Also check out the Nest Foundation's other resources.
Prayer for Human Exploitation A prayer written by Dr. Edna Ellison
Protect Young Minds Empowering parents, professionals and community leaders to protect young kids from pornography, and promote healing from any sexual exploitation.
Sex Trafficking Networks From Polaris Project: A chart comparing the various types of sex trafficking networks in the United States
SWITCH - The vision is to end human trafficking and sexual exploitation in the upstate of South Carolina.
Teen Pornography Statistics Eye-opening statistics of what teens are viewing. From the Tennessee Baptist Convention, 2015
The Typology of Modern Slavery: Defining Sex and Labor Trafficking in the United States An excellent report by Polaris Project on the 25 industries where trafficking occurs. Explore all the resources on the Polaris Project website.
Understanding Victims' Mindsets From Polaris Project: An outline of physical & psychological reasons why victims are unable to leave
Warning Signs How to recognize a possible victim as well as a perpetrator